Extras You Get When You Work With Drew

Apart from seeing Drew for an in-depth initial consultation for your fertility concern – all in-person fertility clients of Drew receive a “Health Summary” after their initial visit.  An extra that is fairly unique to Drew.

This 4-5 page summary outlines everything you may have discussed with Drew during your initial consultation.   What supplements to take, which dietary recommendations are best for your situation and which lifestyle and/or exercise habits will encourage success.  Drew also provides links to helpful products he thinks may help and specific resources or even referrals to other practitioners to consider.    

You will also have complete access to Drew through email.  He tries his best to get back to clients within 24 hours but you can rest assured that if you have questions about your treatment – you can access Drew quickly and easily without having to wait for your next visit.

All fertility clients of Drew also receive 20% off of any supplements that Drew keeps in stock (NFH Prenatal SAP, methylfolate, vitamin D and more).  Fertility treatments are expensive and every dollar counts – it’s just nice to receive a small discount for things like this.

Drew runs his clinic all on his own so there is no middle person you will have to speak to.  Online booking is easy and straightforward and because Drew owns his space, he can come to the clinic off-hours for things like embryo transfers without much difficulty.*

Herbal medicine is something that more people who are going through fertility issues should consider.  To make things more user friendly, Drew works with herbal granules to ensure more patient compliance.  The easier it is for you to take, the more benefit you will receive.  Clients on fertility medications are often told not to consume herbal medicine.  Drew defers to your fertility doctor in these situations and reserves the herbs for those who are not consuming any follicle stimulating medications.

*Although Drew tries his best to make himself available for his clients’ embryo transfers, no guarantees can be made that he will be available. 

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