Nutritional Consulting

Nutritional Consultants are professionals trained in Natural Nutrition. Let Drew help guide you through the maze of information from books, magazines, supplements ads and fad diets on the market.  Drew will work with you to help identify and correct the nutritional causes of diseases and to design personalized diet and lifestyle programs that optimize your health.

The combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Nutritional Consulting is a perfect match to improve health and wellness…the ultimate in East meets West.

If you are dealing with any of the following issues, you may benefit from seeing a Nutritional Consultant.

  • Weight loss
  • Diabetes
  • Food sensitivities
  • Digestive disorders
  • Skin conditions
  • Pain and Inflammation

Contact Drew for more information on how nutritional consulting can help you with your health condition.

For more information on Orthomolecular Medicine, visit

Click on the Book an Appointment button below to get started.