For women suffering from infertility, being diagnosed with PCOS can be a very difficult pill to swallow to say the least. However, a recent study has revealed that women with this common health condition may have an advantage with respects to ovarian reserve compared to women who do not have PCOS. The theory is that as women with PCOS age, they may enjoy a time of “sustained fertility” compared to aging women without poly cysts due to the fact that women with PCOS do not ovulate regularly and essentially “store” their eggs.

The study, published in the journal of Human Reproduction in June of 2011, compared ovarian reserve and live birth rates among infertile woman suffering with PCOS to infertile women who have normal menstruation but who have problems with their fallopian tubes. Both groups went through the process of IVF. The sample size was very large (500 for each group) increasing the validity of the study. The age range for this study included women who were 22-41 years old.

The study went on to conclude that the women with poly cystic ovarian syndrome indeed had sustained egg counts and live birth rates while those without poly cystic ovaries had “significantly decreased” egg counts and live births as they aged.

Check out the abstract for the article here.

If you suffer from PCOS, send me an email about your history and I will gladly let you know how my combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Nutritional Consulting can help…or simply click on the “book now” button below and let’s get started today.