by Drew Nesbitt BA, R.TCMP, R.Ac., RHN
More and more research is investigating the effects of supplements for the treatment of infertility; particularly on egg quality. In this recent study published in the journal Gynecological Endocrinology (April 2011), researchers looked at the effect of myo inositol...
by Drew Nesbitt BA, R.TCMP, R.Ac., RHN
Interested in boosting your semen quality? The Chinese herbal formula called “Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang” has long been used to improve semen parameters (motility and count especially) in men with idiopathic infertility (unknown infertility) and now there is research to back it up.
by Drew Nesbitt BA, R.TCMP, R.Ac., RHN
Whether you have just been diagnosed with a varicocele or perhaps you have recently had varicocele surgery and are now looking for ways to boost your numbers faster…this article is for you!
by Drew Nesbitt BA, R.TCMP, R.Ac., RHN
Male infertility is more common than most people think. One of the reasons why men have poor sperm is due to oxidative stress. Typical sources of oxidative stressors include the following: Diet – high amounts of animal protein, sugar, hydrogenated fats and not...
by Drew Nesbitt BA, R.TCMP, R.Ac., RHN
“Grace is a 37 year old female who used to love her work and was a riot at get-togethers. However, ever since her promotion, she has found that stress has increased to the point that she experiences strange feelings in her chest. Increased heart rate (palpitations)...
by Drew Nesbitt BA, R.TCMP, R.Ac., RHN
A recent article in the Washington Square News outlines how the NYU Fertility Centre is using this integrated approach. View some of the wellness services by going directly to the NYU Fertility Centre website here. If you would like to use an integrated approach,...